Book and Film Reviews.

Below is a list of the reviews of gambling-centric books and films that I've written up. I've been accused of being a bit of a party pooper sometimes, and I can see from others' reviews on Amazon etc that I've tended to go against the flow with some of them. Still, I've written as I've found.

As I've now written over fifty reviews I've categorised them as: Historic and pre-1960 (6), Memoires & Recollections (8), Problem Gambling (2), Roulette (15), Machine Gambling (4), Blackjack (2), Poker (3), Football (1), Horse Racing (1), Greyhound Racing (1), Fiction (3), Other (9), Films (4) and TV & On-Demand (4).


Historic and pre-1960

Memoires & Recollections

Problem Gambling

Book cover of 'Taking Back Your Life'

Taking Back Your Life
Diane Rae Davis (2009)

Excellent - Recommended!

Book cover of 'First Steps out of Problem Gambling'

First Steps out of Problem Gambling
Lisa Ustok & Joanna Hughes (2011)


Machine Gambling



Book cover of 'Make a million from Online Poker'

Make a million from Online Poker
Nigel Goldman (2006)

Book cover of 'Poker and Problem Gambling'

Poker and Problem Gambling
Jeremy Stryker (2013)

Book cover of 'Online Poker'

Online Poker
Doyle Brunson (2005)


Book cover of 'Football Betting to Win'

Football Betting to Win
Jacques Black (2000)

Horse Racing

Greyhound Racing




TV & On-Demand