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Terms & Conditions of use of this site
All very simple really. All visitors to this site, whether real individuals or automated 'bots processing data for others, who access the files that make it up do so on the strict understanding that this is done entirely at their own risk. I (the author) will not be held accountable for any losses or distress, financial or otherwise, howsoever caused, that result from accessing the material contained here, or from any subsequent use of this material, however this may occur.
Freebie Downloads
Should you choose to download and use any of the free download files I've made available, although they're offered up with no conditions attached please note that by doing so you agree that this is entirely at your own risk, and that I (the author) will not be held accountable for any losses of data, or any other disruption to your computer system, that may occur. Please don't write to me about how running one of the macros in a spreadsheet you've downloaded crashed your system just as you were about to reach the highest level you ever have with the latest "shoot-em-up" gaming application. Although I think such problems are highly unlikely, due to the multitude of different operating systems and environments in use I'm not able to offer any guarantees that the macros I've written won't have conflict effects within your system - sorry. If you want a guarantee buy a toaster.
Copyright of contents.
The copyright of all material you find on this site is invested in the author, and no part of any of the site's content may be reproduced elsewhere without
express permission to do so. I'll be very flattered if you wish to use one of my reviews on another site, but please ask first.
When visiting this site your privacy is assured. I do not make use of any tracking technologies such as cookies, and do not maintain mailing lists
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If you have any queries regarding the above, feel free to drop me a line.